Personal Training and Sports Nutrition

Need help kick starting your 'get healthy; resolution? I'm here to help. I am a certified Personal Trainer and Sports Nutritionist. Currently, I teach a variety of fitness classes and train clients one-on-one at the local gym. However, I realize that many people don't have the time to get a workout in AND drive back and forth from the gym. Others know they can get a solid workout in their own home and, therefore, do not want to pay additional money for a gym membership. I would like to support your financial choices and time limitations.
When I arrive at your home, I can bring hand weights, an exercise ball and the like. However, I would much prefer to use what you have in your home. Walls, floors and chairs can provide incredible workouts! In doing so, we create a daily workout routine for you that you can do at anytime, not just when you and I are together. But if you have workout equipment at home or would like me to bring mine, I will help you learn how to use those tools most effectively. Also, if you do belong to a gym and your gym allows outside trainers to use their facility, then I am more than willing to meet you at your gym and help you get the most out of what they offer.
Possible goals you might have:
- lose 15 lbs
- lose 50 lbs
- lose 125 lbs
- feel comfortable in a swimsuit
- be able to go hiking with the family
- get off high blood pressure medicine
- drop 2 dress sizes for wedding dress
- gain 25 lbs and muscle mass
A bit about my nutritional/fitness belief system:
Wherever you are today in your fitness/nutritional process is where you are. It is not bad or good; it simply is. It can always be improved upon. Rather than doing an overhaul, we'll find places to tweak. As overused as this term is, we do want to create a 'lifestyle change.' I want it to become uncomfortable for you and your body to not be physically active every single day. I want it to make your body feel 'off' when you eat too much sugar or too many unhealthy snacks. I have my own demons too- I am truly addicted to sugar, so I know what you are going through. Addictions are tough, be it to cigarettes, food, the TV..... I am here to help you create a healthy addiction.
Rates: (Each session is 1 hour)
One-on-One (Private sessions) $40/session
$35/session with 10 sessions purchased = $350
$30/session with 15 sessions purchased = $450
Train with a Friend! $60/session
$55/session with 10 sessions purchased = $550
$50/session with 15 sessions purchased = $750
Guidelines for both Client and Trainer:
- 24 hour advance notice of cancellation of session is required, otherwise 100% of session is charged.
- Homework/workout assignments are to be followed to the best of your ability.
- Being ready for the start of a session includes proper footwear, clothing, space, cleanliness of space and no children or pets in the space.
- If you are a male client, then another adult needs to be in the home at the time of our session.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
-Jennifer Bernstone